I have been fortunate to meet great Yogi's and teachers in my journey. 

Naming a few who left a strong impact on my life just by being themselves:            
The Director and the Principal of The Yoga institute
They are a leading examples of how women can successfully run the oldest organised institute in the world with an inflow of about 1000 yoga seekers every day. I learnt from them the art of patient hearing and seeing the positive in every aspect of life. The undying spirit and dedication of Mrs. Desai ( a true karma yogi) and seeing her work tirelessly, has had a very strong influence on me and taught me to do things for the greater good and not see short term gains.

Shri Deepak Gupta 

Director, Lead Research in Scriptural Studies at AIM YOGA: 
Educated in several professional educations like engineering, finance, robotics, baking, found his calling and expression in yoga. He has almost a decade of teaching experience  and have spent  more then 25 years amongst the Indian yogis and Naga sanyasis learning yoga, vedanta and tantra. 
I was privileged to spend 10 years learning and teaching with him. I learnt the intricacies of Samkhya philosophy, Vedanta, Bhagvad Gita and Yoga from him and learnt to view life in a very different perspective. He is a living example of how to Celebrate life while leading it.

  Prof. G.S Sahay
Assistant Director of Research and Head of the Department of Philosophico Literary Research Department, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala:
A gold medalist in sanskrit, Prof. G.S Sahay has been teaching in KaivalyaDham, in the college of yoga since 1977. Managing Editor ‘Yoga Mimamsa’ and lecturer for the subjects Yoga Texts and Patanjala Yoga Sutra.
I was privileged to take personal training on  Advanced Pranayama from him. I also got to learn insights on “The Hatha Yoga Pradipika” from him.

Swami Mahadevananda
Director of  Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, Neyyar Dam, Kerala, India: I met  Swami Mahadevananda during my 1 month teachers training program at the ashram. Swamiji is  an inspiration to many. Being an italian, he adopted and acclimatise to the living condition in Kerala well. Swamiji was very simple humorous and humble. His devotion to Yoga and true insight is what inspired me. As one of the main teachers and the director for the International Sivananda Yoga Teachers Training Course, Swami Mahadevananda has touched the hearts of future generations of yoga teachers and spiritual seekers around the world.